Our bodies use and lose water every day, and our ability to regulate that water balance is crucial to our existence. Water is lost through breathing; through urine and faeces excretion; and through perspiration and sweating – if we don’t replenish the water that is lost and right the balance, we would cease to exist, which is why it’s so important to constantly visit the office water dispenser and monitor how much we drink, both during the work day and topping up after hours. Many factors, including lifestyle and the environment, affect the level of water loss, but on average, the average sedentary adult in a mild environment will lose around 2.6 litres of water per day.
But here’s the interesting part, this amount increases as we grow older and our body’s natural trigger to replenish what we lose – thirst – also deteriorates with age. In a study about the physiological changes for those over 50, the importance of maintaining the correct water balance as we age is discussed:
During ageing, the decline in lean body mass is accompanied by a decrease in the water content of the organism. This decrease in water can be up to 4 L of total body water for men and 6 L for women (from the age 20 to 80) … In addition, the lack of sensation of thirst and the fact that people forget to drink due to reduced cognitive and visual functions at greater age can induce total water imbalance … A poor supply of water is associated with infections, decreased endurance, a risk of heat exhaustion, mental confusion, lassitude, muscular weakness or even death. Notably, a reduced water supply negatively influences the electrolyte balance leading to cardiovascular and hypertension disturbances as well as impaired kidney performance.
The fact that more water is lost and that the body’s natural thirst trigger deteriorates after the age of 50, is particularly pertinent when one considers that the employment of workers over the age of 50 has grown significantly over the past decades – the employment rate for people aged 50 to 64 has grown from 55.4% to 69.6% over the past 30 years.
While ensuring we remain properly hydrated during the day is important for everyone, it is particularly important as we grow older, so if your office needs a better water solution that’s tailored to your specific water requirements, then give AquAid a call on 0800 772 3003 – exceptional service and premium water dispensers at affordable prices.
Nature – International Journal of Science (https://www.nature.com/articles/1601895)
Springer Link (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11556-010-0058-5)
Department for Work and Pensions (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/568240/employment-stats-workers-aged-50-and-over-1984-2015.pdf)