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Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.
Eight Advantages of Installing a Hot Water Boiler
Hot water boilers are a terrific way to get instant hot water without having to wait for a kettle to boil. They are the perfect option for any busy premises or organisation where people need quick access to hot water for tea, coffee or indeed, any hot drinks....
Water Coolers in Schools – The Link Between Hydration and Education
It was the International Day of Education recently. The day is aimed at advocating for quality education and equal access to education for all. Numerous activities promoting the significance of and highlighting how important education is, were held across the UK. What...
Thoughts at the Water Cooler – Can Drinking Water Aid Inspiration?
Drinking water is essential for our physical health. It keeps us hydrated, helps our organs function properly and can even improve our skin. But can something as simple as drinking water help spark inspiration? While it might sound far-fetched, there's a compelling...
Hot Tips to keep the H2O in Hydration during Winter
We often mistakenly assume that keeping hydrated during winter is less important than in summer. This is not the case. In winter, to keep warm, we rely on using heaters, hairdryers and hats (yep, hats) which quite literally suck the moisture and oils right out of our...
Water and the Weight of Winter
Winter is almost upon us, bringing with it time to bundle up, exercise less and usually eat less greens and more of the comfort food … or so we’d think. But resorting to more hibernation type habits isn’t really the way to go (One of my personal mantras is ‘shoulda...
AquAid Water Boilers – the best in productivity preparation
Being spontaneous is all fair and well enough in certain aspects of our lives: switching up where you take your holiday or buying a neon lime-green cover for your iPhone or Android where you usually opt for a matt black. When it comes to your pocket, health and...
How AquAid’s Customers Help Drive Sustainable Change
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the heart and soul of your organisation. It's about understanding your impact on communities and the environment and taking proactive steps to meet or exceed ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations. AquAid is...
Halloween Hydration
Contrary to popular opinion, the origins of observing Halloween aren’t American - but those of ancient Celts throughout Britain, Ireland and northern France. With the Romans invading Britain around 43AD, it is believed that they added their rituals of the period with...
You can lead a Horse to Water … but can you lead a Human to the Water Cooler?
As you no doubt already know, the full proverb reads like this: You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Meaning: People, like horses, will only do what they have a mind to do. It would seem that water replenishment is an integral part of life, even...
Education at the Water Cooler Station – The Vital Role Teachers Play in Society
World Teachers' Day is dedicated to celebrating the invaluable contributions of teachers to our society. Their role extends far beyond the classroom - shaping minds, nurturing potential and inspiring generations to come. Why are Teachers so Important? Foundational...
AquAid Water Coolers: Experience the Difference
As a leading provider of water coolers in the UK, AquAid offers more than just standard customer benefits. For over two decades, we remain dedicated to delivering exceptional service. A few key benefits that set us apart: Extensive Product Range. AquAid offers a...
Water Coolers at Work: Power Naps = Energy Boost
As a nation used to hard work, Britons may perceive that a bit of shuteye amounts to laziness or a way not to get work done properly, so the thought of power naps may seem a little disingenuous/counterintuitive. Which is why it may come as a surprise that power naps...
The Pachyderm Pump at the Water Cooler
In honour of this year’s World Elephant Day, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight one of AquAid’s proudest affiliations – that of forming The Africa Trust - a charity whose CEO also designed an award-winning design water well, affectionally known as the...
Water Cooler Chat – Appropriate vs. Inappropriate – Part IV of IV
In a previous part of this water dispenser series we looked at what constituted engaging conversation while gathered around the water cooler – or the ubiquitous ‘water cooler chats’. In this, Part IV of this series, we’re edging into a slightly more topical area –...
Does Drinking Water Help with Reading?
As we turn the page and see #BookLoversDay is coming up and with it the increased beat of the bibliophile’s heart, we wondered whether drinking water regularly benefits our ability to read better. As it happens, while there isn't direct scientific research linking...
Drinking Ice Cold Water – Yay or Nay?
As a blogista, one would imagine that I love the internet or the worldwide web. You’d be right. It’s packed to capacity with the most incredible information and makes research interesting, amusing, at times alarming and can turn one into a sniffer dog that any...
Drink Water and Pay It Forward
As things heat up across the UK, so does the demand for chilled, refreshing drinking water. At AquAid, where we’ve been in the business of providing a range of high quality water coolers and water, both spring and bottled at source, for over twenty years, we...
Is In-Flight Drinking a Good Idea?
With summer on the horizon and school holidays looming, it’s about that time where many Britons are prepping for the journey that will get them to their holiday destination. Whether it’s to calm the nerves, get your holiday started en route or because it’s your custom...
Five Tips for Engaging Water Cooler Conversation – Part III of IV
In Part 1 we established that chats at the water cooler do indeed still happen and in Part II we looked at the unexpected benefits that arise from such chats. In Part III of this series, we address what makes for engaging conversation? Here are five useful tips which...
How Does not Drinking Water Affect Us?
I know I’m always blathering on about drink water, keep hydrated, drink water, hydration, drink water, but honest-to-goodness, when you do the type of research that I do, trust me, there are monster-sized reasons for this advice. But, to switch things up a little, I’m...
Six Reasons Hydration Helps Us Keep Our Cool
Not all of us have the wherewithal, location or access to be able to cool off as is indicated in the above image. There is however, an easy and simple solution to help you keep your cool when the temperatures soar. You guessed it – drink water more. Here are six...
Five Unexpected Perks of Casual Chats around the Water Cooler
In today's fast-paced work environment, it's easy to underestimate the power of casual conversation. But in the break room or that quick chat by at the watercooler station - these seemingly unproductive moments can hold immense value. Here's why: Building Bridges,...
Do Water Cooler Chats Still Happen?
With ever-shifting work environments, especially due to events over the last few years, coupled with constant changes between a physical versus a virtual workspace, we pose the question – do water cooler conversations still take place? If so, are they of benefit?...
World Environment Day – How using an AquAid Water Cooler Helps
#GenerationRestoration is the theme for this year’s World Environment Day. The focus is on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. According to the United Nations ‘desertification is one of the biggest environmental threats of our time. It refers to...
Skipping Lunch while at Work – Part II
In Part I about skipping lunch while working, we were all about bad nutrition and productivity and skipping lunch. In this session, the debate continues with mentions of the (for some) dreaded broccoli, superfoods and eating well at work. Two journalists battled it...
Skipping Lunch while at Work. Better or Worse for your Health?
There’s no avoiding it. Work an eight-hour (or longer) day and you’ll have to stop to eat at some point. Be it a questionable sandwich or a lavish lunch, workers need grub. But what should you eat to achieve maximum results? And is skipping lunch to reply to those...
Earth Day – Planet vs. Plastics
At AquAid we are keenly aware of the impact using plastic has in our industry, to our customers and on our environment. This Earth Day we felt it important to reiterate our ongoing commitment in seeking solutions and alternatives to reduce waste, minimise our carbon...
Water Cooler Trivia – Version Two Zero Two Four
We’ve given quite a bit of attention to British trivia over the years for good reason. Trivia is interesting, fun, it keeps your brain active and just as important, it provides you with a wealth of interesting knowledge you can impart to your colleagues, workmates,...
Why Water Coolers are Vital to Work Well-Being
Today it is increasingly common to find one if not more water cooler stations in the workplace. Aside from the more obvious – making sure everyone has access to drinking water – there are several positives that not only benefit everyone but the organisation as a...
World Water Day – What Can We Do?
The theme for World Water Day, 22 March 2024, is ‘Water for Peace’, which focuses on the critical role water plays in the stability and prosperity of the world. According to UN-Water, ‘when water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal or no access,...
Ways with Water – Water, Sleep & Well-Being
It’s World Sleep Day this week. The day is dedicated to bringing attention to the vital role adequate sleep plays in maintaining health and well-being. With millions of Britons suffering from a similar ailment – an inability to get enough sleep – we look at how good...
Guest Blog: AquAid and Frontline Safety UK
At AquAid Water Coolers, we’ve been in the business of water provision for over 24 years, supplying a wide range of high-quality water coolers and drinking water to customers throughout the UK. We value our customers as we understand that they are the backbone of our...
Counteract Cold Weather Dehydration
While the current cold weather seems wont to extend its icy hold over the UK our instinct may be to hydrate less, this is a mistake. When it’s cold, we may tend to think that we dehydrate less easily than we do when it’s warm, but this is often not the case. *What...
How Drinking Hot Water contributes to our Health, Hydration & Happiness
We’re not referring to being in hot water, mind, rather we’re referring to how drinking hot water (and most derivatives thereof) in cold weather boosts our sense of well-being, makes us happy, helps us maintain good hydration habits and as a consequence contributes...
Hot Water Boilers Save Energy, Money and Time
With the need to be more environmentally friendly and energy conscious, water boilers offer the ideal solution. Compact, space saving and eco-friendly, they offer the perfect hot water dispense point for every workplace. Whether you are looking for a more compact...
Not so sneaky winter hydration tips
Sneaky because maintaining good hydration habits in winter can be just that: studies show that we can be up to 40% less thirsty in winter. Dehydration is less noticeable in winter: During the summer in the UK, it’s far easier to equate how thirsty we are with how...
Five to One Water Cooler Must Haves – Part II
Low Maintenance You don’t need to worry about tedious maintenance and upkeep with a new water cooler. Unlike most appliances, they are very easy to maintain. Most units only require that you keep the dispenser or dispensing area clean. This usually means emptying the...
Ten to Six Water Cooler Must Haves – Part I
Eco-Friendly By using a water cooler dispenser, you are helping to protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a reusable water bottle and refilling our...
Water Cooler Chat – AquAid and the Aquaporins
You might be thinking that Aquaporins are a new product from AquAid. You’d be wrong – although the name is reminiscent of pouring water, so perhaps not such a stretch. But what are they exactly? Dumb bunny explanation: Membranes which replicate the way nature removes...
NOW is the perfect time for Hot Water Hydration
By all accounts the winter weather hasn’t been behaving itself thus far. Let’s face it, it’s been miserable. There are still a few chilly months to get through before the temperatures begin climbing to a more appealing level and where we won’t need a few layers of...
Should I Drink Less Water during Winter?
Now we’re in the New Year and skating full tilt in winter, as we gear up for the colder weather and perhaps, we’re already cutting back on our exercise and gearing up for more indoors and less out and about. You may also think that with the colder temperatures this...
Eventful December at the Water Cooler
December is a month chock full of occasions, annual observances and traditions. A brief glance: 03 - 04 Dec –Tree Dressing Day 06 Dec – St. Nicholas Day 11 Dec – International Mountain Day 21 Dec – Winter Solstice the list goes on. This may be due to December being a...
Water Cooler Health Benefits – How Water helps maintain Liver Health
Maintaining sufficient water consumption is a valuable health benefit. With the end of the year drawing closer, there are many of us getting into the festive spirit - attending year end functions, going to parties, and possibly overindulging with food and drink. All...
On the Way to the Water Cooler – More Strange Spills
Quite some time ago we recounted stories of some of the oddest recorded road spills around the globe. Read about them here. Time for an update we thought. So off we flew to the ether gathering information. Turns out, the best spill stories happen to come from an...
Now that it’s Cooler – Hydration and Fitness
The majority of people are under the impression that dehydration is something that happens only to athletes. The truth is that it happens to everyone, across all lifestyles and of all ages. Athletes just experience dehydration faster, with signs that are more visible....
Piping Hot Water – Seasonal Drinks AquAid style
There are a number of positives to installing an AquAid Hot & Cold Water Dispenser or Hot Water Boiler. The most common reasons are piping hot water constantly available for whatever hot drink you enjoy – tea, coffee, hot chocolate, hot lemon water – the list goes...
Water Cooler or Water Dispenser – what is your preference?
Whatever your preference, AquAid supply a wide range of water dispensers and water coolers to our customers. Installing a water dispenser makes sense as they offer the user the best quality water at convenient temperatures. AquAid is one of the largest water...
Water Power or How Power Naps can aid Productivity
As I have said – okay, typed – before, drinking water = power (or energy) but who would have thunk it, apparently, naps too = power. Before you get the idea that I’m trying to propagate my ‘Sloths Rule!’ philosophy, let me assure you, this power nap deal is not only...
The Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty Dilemma
Glass half full? Half empty? Where does the expression originate? The exact origin of the idiom is unclear; however, digital records seem to show it originated in the first half of the 1900s. Glass half-full/half-empty of what you may ask? Well, water is the standard,...
How to Counteract Thirst with AquAid
Are you one of the ‘if your popcorn doesn’t have a Red Sea amount of salt on it, it isn’t popcorn’ people? And, even after doing this, you wonder why you are so thirsty. Or, are you more of a be out all day in warm weather, keeping active, running from place to place,...
Water Cooler Health – Peel Power II
Recently, we learnt all about the natural health benefits found in orange peel. And they are numerous, as are those found in a banana peel. Banana peels are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, so they can naturally cure many ailments and can aid cell...
Water Cooler Chat – Peel Power
Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this...
Drink Water = Brain Power
Every person has a different thought process – which is wonderful – and even though we may think our brains are the same – they’re not. As an example, if you have two people in front of you and you pose the same question not requiring a factual answer, you are...
Philanthropy: AquAid, Christian Aid & The Africa Trust
As of April this year, AquAid has donated over £20 million to charity. This staggering amount is a culmination of charitable donations which began in 1998. This includes over £2.8 million donated to Pump Aid, which enabled half a million people to gain access to...
Energy Boosting Top Up Hydration Tips
I know we keep on at you, dear hallowed reader of the AquAid posts, tweets and blogs, about how important it is to keep hydrated and it can get a bit much, but, here’s the thing – it IS important. As in possibly the most important thing that keeps the wonderful being...
AquAid Water Coolers – keeping the Construction Industry hydrated for decades
Construction companies are part of a specialised industry and as such, so are their requirements. A crucial part of these requirements is that construction sites adhere to regulations that ensure the health and safety of all on site. One such requirement is that...
Water, Brain Food, Mood
This month of Mental Health Awareness, we have looked at how drinking enough water can aid our ability to reduce anxiety and boost our mental wellbeing. In this blog, we focus our attention to the effects dehydration can have on the brain and possible solutions....
How Water Can Aid Mental Health
Over 8 million of Britons experience an anxiety disorder at any one time.* (Mental Health UK) Less than 50% of people with generalised anxiety disorder access treatment.* (Mental Health Foundation) An estimated 822,000 workers are affected by work-related stress,...
The Water Weight of A Tomato
I’m sure you all have a fair inkling about some elements of what your carbon footprint is and have implemented, in your own way, certain strategies on how to lessen that footprint. But are you at all aware of what the water footprint is for each bit of food you...
Water Cooler Chats – The Work / Life Balance – what’s it all about?
With the radical changes we have all experienced in the last three years, which have influenced how we live our lives and as we continue on – we ask: What does a Work / Life Balance mean? On the surface, the concept of a work/life balance is self-explanatory. There...
Ways with Water – Debunking Spring Equinox Myths
It seems as it was just yesterday that we were all in the icy grip of winter and then lo and behold, we’re in our second month of Spring - not even time to catch our collective breath as we watch the seasons rollercoaster past. Now that we’re in this burgeoning...
Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!
Needing to drink water often is something that affects us all. None more so than when performing on stage. This is something we commonly see, particularly with stand-up comedians. The performer invariably keeps a bottle of water with them onstage from which they often...
Elephant Pumps & Underground Water in Africa
As you know, here at AquAid we tend not to err on the side of caution when talking about water. Especially drinking water. Clean, fresh drinking water in Africa, where millions of people do not have access to the life giving stuff as we do. It may seem a bit...
Is Social Media the New Water Cooler Station?
With the onset of and phenomenal expansion and growth of social media, it probably doesn’t come as any surprise that the water cooler - the original real-life social chit-chat gathering station - may have had its amount of drinking water gatherers significantly...
Spring Water
Are we getting a little ahead of ourselves? Of course we are. Why? Because we can. If you’re wondering what we’re referring to, we’re talking about March 1st being the first day of spring. March first isn’t actually the first day of spring, that’s on 20 March....
Kilojoule Count – Water vs. other drinks
There is a common misconception that wine, spirits and even beer, for example, contain no kilojoules and that this is reserved solely for food. Sadly, this is not the case. So you may see a lot of people who will eat sparingly, but consume glassfuls of wine and...
How Crucial is a Sustainable Supply of Potable Water?
There’s no denying that the statistics speak volumes: 771 million people – 1 in 10 – lack access to safe water.* Millions of people take multiple trips each day to collect water. 282 million people spend more than 30 minutes each time. More specifically, women...
Wake Up, Get Up, Water Up and Go!
Feeling lethargic when Nature is urging us to hibernate during the winter months is nothing new. What can be new and life changing (for the better) is how you counter that lethargy. One of the simplest methods to counteract constant tiredness and feeling lethargic and...
Winter, Water … Fruit(y) Hydration
Chances are when the chill sets in we look to hydration being more hot water drinks than remarkably water rich winter friendly fruit like pears, clementines and even date plums. Drinking enough water to maintain sufficient hydration when the weather is cold can be...
Winter Water Cooler Health Cheats
Although preferring hot drinks when the weather is cooler is perfectly understandable, these aren’t necessarily the healthiest of hydration options – especially tummy warming, tasty beverages like a mug of rich hot chocolate. Which is why, when it’s chilly, it may be...
Contemplations at the Water Cooler in the New Year
It may well seem a bit of a late start to speak of New Year now in the third week of it, but it’s just been that type of start – slow and steady wins the race. If, like many of us, you’ve really struggled with the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions this year, or quite...
The Positive Impact Good Hydration has on your Organisation
Irrespective of an organisation's size or how many people are employed, there is an inescapable element that affects productivity among all in the workplace. Lack of adequate hydration affects a staggering nine out of ten Britons. This is due to a number of factors,...
Tips to Maintain Cooler Weather Hydration
Maintaining good hydration habits is generally easier when the weather is warm. Oftentimes though, these habits can be difficult when the weather turns cool. How we combat this trend though is actually easier than we think. Make drinking water convenient. Installing...
How to land yourself in hot water: AquAid’s Hot & Cold Water Coolers and Boilers
The title usually denotes trouble, however, as the weather turns cooler, hot water is more a blessing than something to cause concern. Whereas AquAid is known for our wide range of water coolers, dispensing refreshing chilled and ambient temperature water, it may not...
Water Health & Well-Being – Hydrate the Brain
In our very rushed lives, it would seem the simplest action oftentimes becomes the most difficult. Take your water intake for example. Aside from every being alive requiring water to simply survive, let alone flourish, it’s a pretty sad state of affairs in which we...
AquAid celebrates the International Day of Charity
Today is the International Day of Charity. As an organisation, AquAid, with our focus on giving back since our inception in 1998, acknowledging this day is immensely significant. For over twenty-two years, AquAid has donated a portion of revenue to charities,...
SRL Traffic Systems partner with AquAid for sustainable water provision
Europe’s largest traffic light equipment manufacturer and hirer, SRL Traffic Systems (SRL) lead the way in the Highways sector. Over the last few years, the company has enjoyed considerable growth, expanding its product offering to include security barriers, digital...
The Soothing Power of Water
This is not, as one might deduce from the heading, a blog about drinking refreshing water from your water cooler, but rather about steps that you can take when you’re convinced that you’re about to have a meltdown rivalling that of Chernobyl. Close your eyes...
Water and Work Health & Exercise
It’s summer. It’s holiday time. However, for those of us left to sweat it out in the office - cramps, headaches, sore muscles and wish-I-was-on-holiday blues are at an all-time high. Here are a few tips to keep you moving and grooving and in tip-top work able shape:...
How to Approach the Office Water Cooler Station
With our lives now predominately online (often whether we like it or not) and our virtual conduct changing from day to day, it can be tricky negotiating one’s conduct in the physical realm. Added to this is with so many of us having worked remotely for such a long...
Tips & Tricks from AquAid to Help You Keep Cool
With temperatures set to soar, here at AquAid Water Coolers we have compiled a set of tips & tricks to help you keep cool and hydrated wherever you are: At the office/in the workplace: Stay hydrated! Set an alarm clock on your pc, laptop or mobile to make sure...
AquAid Customer Optima Site Solutions, celebrates 20 Years of Operations
In spring 2002, three university mates clubbed together to launch their own recruitment agency focussed on the construction industry. Optima Site Solutions was born. Having worked hard to build up their enterprise, they got through the global financial crisis and more...
AquAid Tyne & Wear Attains Charitable Donations Milestone
By Fern Shaw AquAid Tyne & Wear, operating since 2002, this year celebrates twenty years in the provision of an extensive range of innovative and high-quality water coolers and dispensers, along with a total commitment to offering superior services to their 2,000...
How using AquAid Water Coolers helps Pay it Forward
As the temperatures soar throughout the UK, so does the demand for chilled, refreshing drinking water. At AquAid, where we have been in the business of providing a wide range of AquAid water coolers and water, both spring and bottled at source, for over 23 years, we...
#OnlyOneEarth: World Environment Day – play your part with AquAid
With World Environment Day coming up and a theme of #OnlyOneEarth, here at AquAid we thought it pertinent to highlight the systems we have in place which help make sure we reduce our impact on the environment, while we continue to supply a wide range of high-quality...
Why there’s such a Buzz about Bees and Water
Thankfully, the importance of bees has been highlighted for years now. In case you’ve missed the buzz, here are a few facts: According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, approximately 80% of all flowering plants are specialised for...
The Synergy between AquAid Water Coolers and The Africa Trust Elephant Pumps
AquAid’s high-volume bottle fed and mains fed water coolers are the perfect solution where there is a high demand for a constant supply of fresh drinking water - wherever the location: football grounds; offices; worksites, warehouses; medical rooms; colleges;...
Egg Rolling, Rockets and ‘Easter Water’
In spite of what has almost become an AquAid tradition of writing an Easter themed blog and the role water plays at this time of the year, we’re constantly amazed there is more to discover out there with an (usually traditional) Easter/water connection. As well as...
Shocking Tea News to trade at the Water Cooler
We apologise for the shock tactics used to get your attention however, the news is just that: shocking! According to a fascinating article written by Roberto A. Ferdman for Quartz magazine, it transpires that Britons are not the biggest tea drinkers in the world. That...
Why Water is just … Better!
When you start to drink more water, you'll find that you drink less fizzy drinks and fewer high calorie drinks. There are a few major benefits to this: Swapping water for fizzy drinks helps decrease your daily caloric intake. The more water you drink helps you feel...
Treat yourself – Drink Water
Although it may be common knowledge that the adult human body is composed of up to 70 percent water, what may not be commonly known is that a huge amount of water is lost through metabolism, exercise, temperature regulation, waste transportation and digestion....
Groundwater – World Water Day 2022
The theme for World Water Day 2022 is Groundwater. From the World Water Day website: Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere. Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives Almost all of the liquid...
How to Revitalise the Brain if you’re not Dr. Frankenstein
Does the title rhyme? I think it just might. We’re off to a great start then! Of course, it isn’t necessary to harness lightning and channel electricity to create brainwaves or make us feel more alive. There is, in fact, a far simpler, less complicated and indeed,...
The Rain and Drinking Water Polarity
You would be forgiven, what with the rain bucketing it down, if you’re viewing wet and water with a somewhat beady eye. For all the good it does and the fact it’s vital to our very lives and sustenance, it doesn’t hold sway when you’ve been rained on, constantly. Is...
Water Cooler Health – Keeping Fit in the Office
Aside from everything else that has occurred over the last two years, possibly one of the biggest changes was the advent of working from home, which brought with it Zoom meetings, Zoom meeting attire – pyjamas on the bottom, work shirt on top. These factors however...
AquAid – How does Hydration Aid Education?
With 24 January being International Day of Education, we thought it important to highlight an often overlooked yet crucial solution which aids children’s education. Dehydration in children can be difficult to spot Most children show no obvious visible signs of...
Water Cooler Refresh or, How to Refresh, AquAid Style
There is ample information available about refreshment, refreshing, how to refresh. We decided to take a closer look at what exactly refresh means – when pertaining to hydration that is. Drinking water regularly doesn’t often top the refreshment list – it’s often seen...
Are you AquAidly hydrated?
"You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless, of course, you play bass." - Douglas Adams With the all-encompassing advent of our world online, I have been wondering for some time now if puns are the things of beauty they once were. Post millennium there...
Sustainable Water Provision and your AquAid Water Dispenser
Irrespective of your take on climate change, radically changing weather patterns year on year or the crucial drop in natural water supply globally, there is no denying that the stats speak volumes: 771 Million people lack access to potable water.* 1.7 Billion People...
A Healthy Approach to the New Year
There are a large percentage of us Britons who make New Year’s Resolutions, but a very small percentage who keep them. Perhaps there is a better approach and in so doing, allowing resolutions to be a breeze to keep. Research shows that as soon as we attach the word...
Should you wassail with your drinking water?
We may be jumping the sleigh so to speak talking about such festive season topics but hey, when the season grabs you, it grabs you. Before we sled in (sadly, yes, Dad jokes come with the territory too) let’s establish what exactly wassailing is. According to...
Bottled Water Coolers. Bottle-Fed Water Coolers. Bottle Water Coolers. What’s the difference?
Other than the differing terminology, essentially there is no difference. Bottled, bottle-fed, bottled water coolers are ideal where portable water or a mains water supply is unavailable. The water coolers provide an efficient method of dispensing refreshing cool and...