Earlier this year, France imposed a tax on sugary soft drinks after a study found that more than 20 million of its citizens are overweight.

Health campaigners in the U.K. are pressing for a similar tax. Researchers at Oxford University calculate that a 20 per cent tax on soft drinks would reduce obesity and overweight in Britain by 1 per cent — roughly 400,000 cases across Britain. The only problem with this finding is that other studies have shown that over the last 10 years, although the consumption of added sugar soft drinks has reduced by 9%, obesity has increased by 15%.

Understandably, the idea of a tax has met stiff opposition from the British Soft Drinks Association.

Apparently, the problem is not only the range of between 6 to 8 teaspoons of sugar in a standard can of soft drink, but also the citric acid that is used to make the drinks fizzy. Citric acid is very corrosive on one’s teeth.

Diet soft drinks are not much of a better option as they contain chemicals that are not high on the good for your organs list should your consumption of these drinks be excessive.

A bigger problem than weaning oneself off soft drinks is helping one’s children to not drink them, as, because of the high sugar content in soft drinks, it creates a like-with-like effect and increases the desire to eat salty foods in place of say, drinking water and eating fruit or, the dreaded vegetables. J

While the battle about whether to tax or not tax added sugar soft drinks rages on, perhaps it’s time to look at other alternatives that are kind to you, your health and your pocket:

One could try the ‘everything in moderation’ approach or, for the more stout of heart, cutting the consumption of sugary drinks from one’s diet.

Either way, It is your decision as to what you choose how to ‘fuel’ your body.