With the radical changes we have all experienced in the last three years, which have influenced how we live our lives and as we continue on – we ask:

What does a Work  / Life Balance mean?

On the surface, the concept of a work/life balance is self-explanatory. There are, however, substantial depths around this balance. The balance has shifted and evolved as times changed. In the 20th Century, workers fought for the right to work an 8-hour day. This brought the first shift in favour of an increase of after work hours. In the dawning of the 21st Century, the balance shifted again, with the advent of the mobile phone and in particular, the Blackberry. It became easier to continue working after hours and adversely harder to disengage when not at work.

There was yet another shift in the 2 000s, especially in the tech industries, where work hours could be brutal but where the workspace changed significantly to create a more holistic work environment.

Work relocation?

With the pandemic, there wasn’t much balance of which to speak – for obvious reasons – however, in itself, this period shifted the balance in another quite drastic direction. Aside from the forced remote work, work was at the home, in the home, with no possibility of separating home/work life. What this did do, though, was have workers create a virtual separation between work and home/life.

Has the Work / Life Balance changed?

Fortunately and unfortunately, it has. For many, there is no balance. Others, there is a balance but this is more forced than chosen. Others still, the balance has shifted due to circumstances and of their choosing.

What remains the same? Does anything?

There is one constant though. Whether you work from an office at home, have returned to an office, never left work due to being an essential worker, the necessity of having access to drinking water is vital. Maintaining good hydration habits have proven to aid one’s well-being, cognition and ability to make better decisions and life choices.