Recently we looked at food and drink ingredients that make us more dehydrated, and found that salt in particular seemed to be the main culprit.

Reducing your salt intake doesn’t mean reducing flavour. Salt has been used to flavour food (originally, it was used to preserve food) for millennia, however with the advent of modern food processing, excessive use of salt can contribute towards a number of health issues.

The simplest route to a healthier you is to make sure you drink enough water and maintain good hydration habits however; this by itself often isn’t enough.

So, if you’re a lover of salty foods what can you do to reduce your salt consumption but retain the flavour in what you eat?

There are myriad ways in which to achieve this and none of them will affect your pocket or leave you feeling, taste wise, as if you’re missing out.

There is a comprehensive list of herbs and spices, their taste profiles and uses to create great flavour, available in the Health Matters magazine that we really like the look of. A few favourites drawn from there are: mint, rosemary, oregano and paprika.

Moving a little further afield into the citrus groves, lemon remains a favourite of mine.  It not only packs a powerful vitamin C punch, gives great flavour to any dish, but it’s also believed to aid weight loss; reduce the risk of heart disease; anaemia; kidney stones and digestive issues.

Whatever salt alternative flavour route you choose to follow, remember the cardinal rule to maintaining good hydration: drink water regularly throughout the day. And as always, speak to us at AquAid for all your water cooler and water boiler requirements, whether at work at the office, construction site, hospital, clinic, school, college or university.