Firstly, our very best wishes to all of you from all of us here at AquAid Water Coolers for this New Year of two oh one nine.

One of those wishes is that you, unlike me, don’t go through most of January scratching out ‘8’ on the date every time you write it.

I’ve noticed that resolutions for a new year don’t seem to be as prevalent or popular as they may have been in the previous decade of the 21st Century – not sure what that’s about – but I, for one, am frankly quite grateful – the reality being how many of us are there that actually get past Day 2 of our intended ‘good behaviour’ and then end up feeling awful about the lapsed resolutions?

If, however, you are one of those amazing souls who make resolutions and sticks to them past Week One, more power to you – you’re an example to us all.

Whichever category you fall into, there is one resolution I encourage you to implement and stick with. If you’re sceptical here are just a few good reasons why:

The health benefits are numerous.

Minimum effort equals great reward.

Increased concentration and productivity at work or at leisure.

Reduces lethargy, tiredness and dehydration.

Boosts the immune system.

It may seem like all these benefits from one source aren’t feasible, but I assure you, they are. This is a New Year’s resolution of the simplest sort – and the great reveal is:

Drink your water.

If you’re unsure about how much water you should be drinking, you can refer to our handy drinking water chart.

If you’re in need of a water delivery system, whether you’re at home, work or for your school, speak to us at AquAid – we have a wide range of high-quality water coolers, dispensers and boilers.

Here’s to a guilt-free, easy resolution 2019 – cheers!