… Rain (blizzards, snow, and sub-zero temperatures) or shine (weak lemony coloured sun that wouldn’t tan a meringue) you begin to notice that your staff is a tad dispirited, if not outrightly unproductive. No spring in their step, no whistle in their walk.

So, at great cost, you institute an Independent Board of Enquiry to establish the cause of this general malaise that’s affecting everyone from Mrs Tibbins, usually the whizz bang accountant, through to Mr Oogle, usually the zoomiest bike messenger ever (but sadly not for the past few months.)

While all of this is in motion, the meeker than the proverbial mouse IT person, Tad, squeaks up.

‘We’ve no water in the water coolers’, says Tad, ‘so everybody’s most likely dehydrated’.

‘What?’ splutters HOD Mrs Furthingstoke, ‘what does that have to do with everyone not performing at their peak? Pure poppycock, I’m sure!’

‘Incorrect’, corrects Tad, ‘not drinking water regularly is one of the leading causes of many illnesses, especially fatigue’.

As it turns out, Tad was proven correct.  The Board of Enquiry was dismissed, the water coolers were kept replenished, productivity soared and absenteeism dropped rapidly.

Take it from Tad, dehydration can happen sooner than one thinks. Some early warning signs are:

  • Light-headedness, dizziness;
  • Tiredness, irritability, headache;
  • Dry mouth, throat and eyes;
  • Sunken features (particularly the eyes), flushed skin and skin that is loose and lacks elasticity;
  • Heat intolerance;
  • There may be a burning sensation in the stomach, urine output will be reduced and may appear darker than usual.

So, in the interests of having a healthy, happy, productive work environment, take the simplest route – ensure that there is always fresh, clean drinking water from source available in the workplace.

How to ensure that your cool drinking water is kept replenished?  Speak to us at AquAid Water Coolers. We have over 20 years’ experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your space, required capacity and all your drinking water requirements.