Changing one’s lifestyle habits can often prove to be a challenge. Many of you are by now very aware of the importance of drinking water and the positive effects it has on you, but are struggling to get into the routine of drinking water all day and every day. Here are some simple, yet very effective methods of not only encouraging you to drink sufficient water during the day, but may also help you to enjoy it.

Steps to forming a drinking water habit!
  • Drink water throughout the day, not just when you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated by then. Have a glass of water when you wake up, a glass of water between each meal, a glass of water with each meal and a glass before during and after any form of exercise.
  • Have a bottle of water on your desk or carry one around with you. This will encourage you to sip water throughout the working day. Once it is empty, simple return to the water cooler or water dispenser and refill it.
  • Reminder. Periodically set your computer or a watch to remind you to drink water. Don’t allow yourself to get too caught up in what you are doing and forget to drink your water.
  • Note it down. Noting your new good habit in black and white will encourage you to keep up the good work! Simply note it down by the means of a tick each time you have a glass of water. This way you can also track and note just how much water you are drinking during the day.
  • Liven it up. For some a glass of water really is not the most tempting thing that is out there. Add some Natural flavours like Strawberry and Kiwi or some Lemon and Lime to make a quenching drink. Perhaps invest in some interesting ice cube trays or cut up and freeze some fresh fruit which will add flavour as well as a bit of fun to your water.
  • Exercise. Ensure that when you plan your exercise regime you include time to drink water before, during and after your workout. Being dehydrated can severely hamper you athletic ability, slowing you down and making exercise tedious.
  • Weight Loss. If you are trying to lose a few pounds, remind yourself that water has no fat, no calories, no carbs and no sugar.
  • Finally invest in a water cooler!  It is far more appealing than the kitchen tap offering water that is both chilled and filtered!

The secret to successfully changing one’s habit is to ensure that at all times your goal is right in front of you, never allowing you to forget it. If your goal is to drink more water and stay healthy, perhaps try a few of these guidelines, forming a habit does not need to be difficult, it may simple require a bit of focus.