When temperatures decrease to single digits, it’s understandable that our impulse to slow down, exercise less and drink less water, increases.

This impulse, however, isn’t that good for our health and well-being overall.  As it happens, there are loads of options we can take in the winter months that actually aren’t that difficult to follow and can keep as summer lean in the process.

Keep exercising

I’m not suggesting that you swim the Channel or go running in minus ten degree weather, but if you attend a gym, health fitness club, or simply walk or jog around your area, keep up with it. In cold months, your exertions will keep you nice and toasty while exercising, instead of trying to continuously cool down when you’re exercising in the summer months. Just remember to keep hydrated. You can become just as dehydrated when it’s cold as you can when it’s warmer. Drink water, lots of it.

If you don’t have access to a fitness club, exercise at home – there is tons of information on YouTube; on social media or on the internet in general that can give you adequate instruction on exercise regimes you can follow to keep toned up.

Bulk up with tasty, healthy food

Again, the instinct (which is hard wired into our genetic code) is to eat rich, fatty foods when it’s colder so we can bulk up and insulate ourselves. Thing is, we’re not seals and we don’t live in the Arctic (even if some days if may feel like it). There are loads of options to eat hearty, warming food without packing on the weight.

The food in season right now is plentiful and it makes good sense, because if you eat with the seasons, it keeps your spend on food down, as in-season food is more readily available.

From pears to parsnips and mackerel to mussels, there’s such a wide range food available this autumn, you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Do not stop drinking water!

Throughout all of this, keeping up with exercising, eating the right food: the most important cooler weather regime is to keep up with drinking water.

If you are averse to cold water, then drink hot water – hot water infused with lemon or indeed any citrus – is a fantastic get up and go to begin the day.

If you’re dispensing drinking water from your water cooler in your office or workplace and the water’s a bit chilly, you can always adjust the thermostat or opt for a hot & cold water dispenser – AquAid has a wide range of high-quality water coolers, hot water boilers and hot & cold Instant Taps.