It’s always encouraging when summer extends its warmth further into the year – increasing our urge to keep active, perhaps exercise more – all while boosting our sense of well-being.

As the weather turns cooler, so might the inclination to cut down on our water intake, when in fact year round, we need to keep an eye on maintaining healthy hydration habits.

Now with late summer progressing into autumn, it’s important not to cut down on our water intake, but rather make sure that we always have a bottle of water with us, wherever we go, much as we do in the warmer months.

Without realising it as we begin covering up, adding more layers of clothing – we’re still losing water, through even minimal exertion, exhalation and perspiration – it’s just not as noticeable.

Whether we’re commuting to the office, taking the children to school or even just walking around, the rules to keep properly hydrated shouldn’t change too much, regardless of the season.

The wonderful thing about cooler weather though, is hot water drinks become more appealing, as long as we remember to balance drinking each tea and coffee with drinking a glass of water.

From there, the simplest method to keeping yourself healthily hydrated is making sure you have a constant supply of drinking water wherever your location is. Always have a bottle or a glass of water handy and make sure to refill your water bottle or water glass at regular intervals using your water dispenser, water cooler or hot water boiler.