November is a month chock full of occasions, annual observances, traditions and remembrances.

A brief glance:

01 Nov – All Saints’ Day

02 Nov – All Souls’ Day

04 Nov – Diwali

05 Nov – Guy Fawkes Night

the list goes on.

This may be due to November being a pivotal period of the year as we enter the final transition from late summer to winter and the close of yet another year.  Although the dropping temperatures and increase in blustery weather may make it difficult to believe, it’s still officially autumn in November.

With so many observances, traditions and events on the go this month it’s easy to understand that we may let our changing hydration needs slip by the wayside despite there being a simple and cost-effective solution. A solution as simple as switching from a chilled drinking water dispenser to a cool and piping hot drinking water dispenser.

With AquAid, you’re spoilt for choice – we supply a wide range of top-quality water coolers, water boilers and Instant Taps – all backed by our superlative services pre, during and post installation.

We invite you to visit our informative website and browse our water cooler selection, suitable for all industries and any size staff contingent, then contact our helpful team via e-mail, telephone or at the website.