AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The AQ Max

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The AQ Max

2018 is a very special year for AquAid; it marks our 20th year of operations. Since our rather humble beginning in 1998, we continue to consistently supply the best quality possible in both products and service and are now one of the leading water and water cooler suppliers in the UK.

Having the right water dispenser is vitally important. At AquAid we’re here to help guide you about which machine is right for your drinking water needs – Mains Fed or Bottle Fed? Floor Standing or Desktop?

Today, we introduce the:

AquAid AQ Max Mains Fed Water Cooler

Floor Standing

With more than 20,000 AQ Max water dispensers installed, it’s easy to see why this machine, which provides a range of options and benefits, is so popular.

AquAid’s Mains Fed AQ Max connects to your mains supply and uses a unique, high quality 1 micron water filtration system to deliver water that’s as refreshing and pure as water from bottle fed water coolers.

It has a timeless design, and boasts a host of features that make it very easy to use. These include spring loaded taps; a LED function display and an adjustable thermostat for accurate temperature control.

This Mains Fed Free Standing water dispenser is best suited for installation in all Medium to High Usage Areas such as: Medium to large sized Offices, Schools and Medical Facilities.


If you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a Mains-Fed water dispenser, the AQ Max Desktop unit is the answer.

Compact and elegant, this water dispenser connects straight to your mains supply, using a unique 1 micron high quality drinking water filter that produces a chilled and refreshing taste equal to that of bottled water.

Despite its compact size, this machine is a real work horse and is well suited for installation in areas where there is a medium to high Cold & Hot Water usage or where people constantly refill their water bottles.

This Mains Fed Desktop is best suited for installation in all Medium to High Usage Areas such as: Medium to large sized Offices, Schools and Nursing Homes.

Servicing your AQ Max

Not only do we provide top quality water coolers such as the AQ Max, we also install and service the machines for you.  All of our machines are installed by our EDWCA accredited service technicians and as per the EDWCA guidelines; we sanitise all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

For all your water and water cooler requirements, contact us at AquAid today. With over 20 years of experience and more than 22 branches nationwide, we’re perfectly positioned to provide you with the right water dispenser to meet your drinking water requirements.

Breakout Areas and Hot Water Taps

Breakout Areas and Hot Water Taps

With our lives moving at the speed of light and technological advances occurring at an exponential rate, it’s easy to see how and why our lives have become so frenetic.  We spend more and more time at the office, glued to our desks, taking fewer and fewer breaks. And while that might seem necessary in the short-term (how else are we supposed to get everything done?); in the long-term it negatively impacts our well-being and productivity.

A University of Illinois study found that allowing subjects to take two brief breaks during a long task allowed participants to remain focused during the entire experiment – those not allowed a respite experienced a drop in performance. Numerous studies show that taking a break boosts energy, concentration and motivation – but when, and how often that happens also affects the results. Baylor University researchers found that ‘the most beneficial time to take a workday break is mid-morning. People who take ‘better breaks’ experience better health and increased job satisfaction. [And] Longer breaks are good, but it’s beneficial to take frequent short breaks [too]’.

Which brings us neatly to the office breakout area. Based on the above, it’s clear to see why a rest area is so essential for employee health and well-being. Sometimes business owners, especially those of small to medium size organisations, tend to think the cost of providing such an area outweighs the benefits, but that’s not the case. A breakout area needn’t be extravagant, it can be in a separate room or even a cordoned off section in an open plan office, as long as there are comfortable chairs and a water point so that employees can relax with a tea or coffee.

Which is another important factor in productivity – hydration. We all know how harmful dehydration can be, but studies show that even mild dehydration can affect our mood, cognitive ability and productivity. It’s paramount that we drink liquid regularly throughout the day, water of course is best, but tea and coffee also count towards the daily target. As the UK’s leading water cooler supplier, AquAid regularly help offices of all sizes with their hydration needs – we offer a wide variety of high-quality bottled and mains fed water coolers to choose from. We also offer a stylish range of Instant Taps – hot water taps and chilled taps that can dispense hot, ambient or chilled filtered water at the touch of a button. Compact and convenient, our Instant Taps are fitted into the countertop with the water unit discreetly installed underneath the worktop.

By creating a breakout area and having water at the ready, you not only help your employees remain alert, hydrated and productive, but you save on time and energy too. And as we know that each organisation’s needs are different, we tailor our recommendation to suit your requirements – whether that be hot water taps or mains fed water coolers, together we’ll find the best solution for you and your team.

How your Water Cooler helps with your Hydration and Fitness

How your Water Cooler helps with your Hydration and Fitness

We all intend to do the right thing when it comes to keeping fit, but often the demands of day-to-day life gets in the way. At AquAid Water Coolers we always want to help where we can to ensure that at the very least, you keep yourself well hydrated throughout your day, no matter your schedule.

If you’ve launched into a great keep fit regime with spring rearing its blooming head, here’s a bit of info that may help you on your get fit and keep hydrated journey:

Recognising dehydration

  • A large percentage of the UK population are chronically dehydrated. When was the last time that you actually drank more than one glass of water in a day? Keep in mind that the average adult should be drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water per day.
  • Dehydration occurs when more fluid leaves your body than is taken in. Symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, headaches and nausea.
  • Dehydration also slows your metabolism, which hinders your ability to exercise as well as the ability to lose weight.

Deposits and withdrawals

To avoid reaching the stage where you’re dehydrated, think of it in terms of deposits and withdrawals. It all comes down to how much water leaves your body. The logic is straight-forward, you have to maintain a water balance: How much water you excrete depends on many factors: age, gender, health, body mass, environmental conditions and physical activity all play a role. Right, now you have that sorted, put these ideas into action:

Get moving 

Even if you feel sluggish and low in energy, make the effort to do 20-30 minutes exercise daily. If you’re not that keen to participate in organised activities, a brisk walk around the block will be enough to energise you and reduce fatigue.

Sleep well

Make sure you get enough sleep.  Depending on your daily schedule and work hours, try to go to bed at the same time, do not eat or drink caffeine before going to bed and move the telly out of the bedroom.

Eat well

There are innumerable eating and weight loss plans and these can often hinder rather than help.

Whatever food plan you decide upon, again logic dictates: in order to function, your body needs fuel, so try to ensure that your food fuel consists of a balanced diet.

If you’re prone to the ‘quick fix’ when eating, which usually consist of processed and sugar rich food and drinks, the good news is if you step up and start drinking enough water to keep yourself hydrated, you will feel fuller and the temptation to sate your appetite as quickly as possible, will lessen.

Make use of your water cooler!

As you begin your happy and healthy get fit plan, having a bottle fed or mains fed water cooler  wherever you are at work could honestly not make drinking water easier for you. There’s also the added advantage of you being able to get through your work day much more easily as studies have proven that taking even a five minute break to stretch out and walk to replenish your water makes a significant difference on your performance and well-being.

Water in Schools – Does your children’s school promote the drinking of water?

Water in Schools – Does your children’s school promote the drinking of water?

*Various campaigns and studies to do with schools and drinking water conducted over the last decade or so have produced a mixed bag of results.

What is clear though: a hydrated child is a much happier child. This fact, combined with you as the parents leading by example and the schools ensuring that drinking water is readily available, makes for a more holistic approach to hydration.

It boosts learning

  • The key to boosting the capacity to learn is to keep well hydrated throughout the day.
  • When we are thirsty, mental performance including memory, attention and concentration can decrease by around 10%. Pupils concentrate better because they are not distracted by the effects of dehydration such as thirst, tiredness and irritability.
  • Children will achieve more when both their health and learning needs are met. Ensuring free access to water and promoting a regular water intake throughout the school day is a vital role for schools in promoting health and providing a healthy learning environment.

It’s healthy!

  • Drinking adequate amounts of water regularly throughout the day can protect health and contribute to well-being.
  • Drinking sufficient water can help prevent a range of short and long-term health problems that stem from dehydration such as lethargy; dizziness; constipation; headaches and bladder, kidney and bowel problems.
  • Water has none of the health problems associated with drinks containing sugar, additives, sweeteners, acids or caffeine.


  • By keeping yourself hydrated, you teach your children good drinking habits. 
  • By checking that your children’s school has ablutions that you would use and that there are sufficient drinking points (not only in the toilets), you’re working your way towards ensuring that your children are able to easily hydrate while at school.

And for the school?

  • Various studies have shown that schools that lead by example and encourage their children to keep hydrated show a marked improvement in overall attention given as well as learning capabilities.
  • A child who is not irritable because of dehydration means that teachers are able to better teach their pupils.

At AquAid, being involved in the provision of water for more than 20 years, we know that keeping hydrated is of vital importance. To this end, we continue to ensure that we provide the right water dispensers to meet the hydration requirements when installing our water coolers into schools, gyms and learning centres across the country.

When AquAid install a water cooler in a school or learning facility, individual water bottles are also supplied to encourage the children to fill their water bottles throughout the day.

Our water coolers can either be Mains Fed for large schools where the water consumption is high, or Bottle Fed for schools where there are no water mains close to a particular area.

*Updated from a blog posted 11 March 2013

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

  1. Eco-Friendly

By using a water cooler dispenser, you are helping to protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a reusable water bottle and refilling our water bottles with a water cooler, we can significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are lessening the harmful impact on the environment.

  1. Saves money

While the upfront cost of purchasing a water cooler can be a bit more costly initially, over time you can expect to see significant savings. Water coolers offer an economical way to drink more water. Instead of purchasing many disposable water bottles, you can save money by buying large bottles for your dispenser. If you’re using a mains fed water cooler dispenser, you can also expect to see significant savings.

  1. Perfect Temperature

Attractive Appearance
Many water dispensers come with hot and cold water taps. The cold water is perfect for a refreshing glass of water. The hot water tap offers a quick and convenient way to make tea, coffee, soup, hot chocolate or tea. Some units also come with a room temperature water tap for added convenience.

When most of us imagine a water cooler, we only picture a white plastic unit that isn’t the most appealing and won’t complement our kitchen, reception or office areas. Fortunately, this stereotype is no longer true. AquAid’s range of water coolers are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.  Common finishes include black, white, silver and stainless steel.

  1. Perfect Size

If you’re concerned about where you would put a new water cooler, you don’t need to worry. Water coolers come in several shapes and sizes, so you can choose a unit that’s sure to fit perfectly in your space. Common models include a free-standing water cooler or a desktop (countertop) water cooler. Free-standing units are typically larger and are better suited for use in areas where there is more floor space. In contrast, desktop (countertop) water dispensers are usually more compact and are ideal for use in smaller spaces.

Look out for Part II to read about the other benefits a water cooler brings for you.