Four unusual reasons to install a water cooler

I’m sure that we’ve all heard the expression, ‘Don’t drink the water, fish live in it’ and all the rather awful imagery conjured up from that thought. If that isn’t enough to put you off drinking tap water for a good while, try these water inhabitants on for size:

Ashrays, or Water Lovers, are from Scottish mythology and are believed to be completely translucent water creatures that are often mistaken for sea ghosts. They can be both male and female and can be found only under water. Being completely nocturnal, one would never come across such creatures during the day. When captured and exposed to sunlight Ashrays supposedly melt and only a puddle of water remains.


Bäckahästen means brook horse; this was the name of a mythological horse in Scandinavian folklore. She would appear near rivers in foggy weather, and whoever decided to ride on her back was unable to get off again. The horse would than jump into the river, drowning the rider. Celtic folklore describes shape-shifting horses called kelpies, and it is thought Bäckahästen may be a kelpie.

Blue men of the Minch

These supernatural sea creatures were said to live in underwater caves in the Minch, a straight between Lewis, Long Island and the Shiant Islands near Scotland. The Blue Men looked like humans with blue skins. They were infamous for swimming alongside passing ships, and attempting to wreck them by conjuring storms and by luring sailors into the water. If a captain wanted to save his ship he had to finish their rhymes and solve their riddles and always make sure he got the last word.


Bunyip literally means devil, or spirit. It is a mythological creature from Aboriginal Australia that was said to lurk in swamps, creeks, riverbeds and waterholes. Aborigines thought they could hear their cries at night. They believed Bunyip took humans as a food source when their stock was disturbed, preferably women and they tended to blame the Bunyip for disease spread in the river area. Bunyip supposedly had flippers, a horse-like tail and walrus-like tusks.

Here, at AquAid, we can’t promise you unlikely tales of creatures in your water cooler, but we do guarantee that the water we supply will be fresh spring water bottled and sealed at one of our three sources in the U.K.
Even more marvellous is that for each purchase you make, a percentage of the revenue generated goes to sustainable clean drinking water projects in Africa and other Third World countries.

Water Coolers off to a great start in 2013

As you may well know, an integral part of AquAid’s professional ethos has always been to work smart; be kind to our environment (from whence we draw our sustenance in so many ways) and be charitable with a knock-on effect by involving ourselves in sustainable projects globally, choosing projects that allow people to empower and help themselves long after water pumps have been installed and wells built.

Purchases of AquAid’s range of water coolers, water boilers, in cup drinks and water fountains has generated donations for January 2013 as follows:

£6,735 to Christian Aid


£50,492 to The Africa Trust

In 2012, a total of £88,600 was donated to Christian Aid and £688,000 to The Africa Trust.

The Africa Trust works to bring sustainable solutions to poverty in Africa. This includes establishing sustainable supplies of clean productive water and decent sanitation. Income generating projects are used to pay school fees, improve clinics and generate the funds needed to run orphanages.

Wealth creation is an important objective, with business skills training helping school leavers and villagers to start or expand profitable businesses. One of the innovative new projects is growing bananas to pay for school fees. The banana plantation can only be established once an Elephant Pump or piped water plus a fenced area, have been installed at the school.

More information about the banana growing and other sustainable projects can be found here, paying for school fees with bananas!

We are looking forward to a wonderfully successful 2013 and of course, our previous, current and future successes with our charitable contributions are all because of the relationship we have with you, our valued client.

… But the greatest of these is charity.

… But the greatest of these is charity.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity  ~ King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

The end of the year is drawing closer and there is so much thought given to the peace, joy and season of giving that is Christmas.

So, while most of us are feeling all warm and fuzzy about giving, let’s spare a thought about how one can truly be charitable this festive season (and beyond).

By you drinking water.

Yep, before you think we’ve lost our marbles, it really can be as simple as that. Keeping yourself hydrated can actually ‘give’ to others. Give safe, clean, drinking water. Which can mean a child out there in desperate need of your charity, doesn’t have to die from dehydration or contaminated water.

Which means being able to keep the children hydrated, so that they can :-

  • Concentrate when they go to school.
  • So that they can learn.
  • So that they can educate others on the importance of having clean water to drink.

We at AquAid  founded The Africa Trust. With a donation for each water cooler sold, this money goes towards building another Elephant Pump in a rural community in the Third World. A charity that truly gives. (And keeps on giving).

Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Of course it does!

A very Merry Christmas to you.


Water coolers giving back

How many of us take the water coming out of our taps or water coolers for granted? It is always there and if it would one day stop, what would we do? Fortunately we all live in a first world country where water is a resource readily available to everyone, just about anywhere.

But not everyone is that fortunate. Most African countries have a serious water problem in that they either do not have it, or they have it and cannot use it. Fortunately for those people in need, one British water supplier is making a massive difference to their lives. AquAid is one of the leading water cooler supply companies in the UK and they have committed themselves to assist in reducing and eliminating the water crisis in struggling African countries.

They achieve their goals by sharing a large section of their water cooler sales with certain trusts and charitable organisations. For every water cooler they install in your home, office or business area, a portion of the sale is donated to either the African Trust or to Christian Aid.

The biggest cause of death for Africa children is not war or even famine, it is dehydration. The two biggest causes of dehydration in children and adults in Africa is either not having the required amount of water, or the water that they drink is dirty and not suited for consumption. The dirty water leads to diarrhea and that in turn leads to rapid dehydration and in many cases, death.

So far in 2012, AquAid donated £542,000 to The Africa Trust and £70,000 to the Christian Aid groups respectably. The money is used to create safe drinking areas for children and parents and their efforts have saved thousands of lives in the last few years.


Can you honestly state that the water cooler in your office is doing something positive every time someone has a drink of clean, cool and fresh water?  If you have a water cooler or water dispensing system from AquAid, then you are not just getting great service and value for money, but you are also doing a small, but significant, part in assisting the less fortunate in surviving each day.

A mains fed water cooler in your office : 5 good reasons to get one

A mains fed water cooler in your office : 5 good reasons to get one

1. You won’t run out of water

Bottled water coolers quickly run dry with heavy demand, and water suppliers are limited to the number of bottles you are able to store. With a Mains Fed system, this problem is easily solved, as it is connected to your building’s water supply. This gives you an endless supply of healthy, filtered water. AquAid’s high capacity point of use coolers even boast a unique 11 litre cold water reservoir.

2. It’s convenient

Storage of bottles can become a hassle if not stored correctly with adequate space, but with a Mains Fed cooler you don’t need to worry about this, as there are no bulky bottles involved. Its design is compact and clever, and you won’t even notice that it’s there due to its noiseless circuit. Your admin time will be reduced too as there’s usually just one annual invoice to deal with.

3. It offers choice

Most Mains Fed coolers offer both a hot/cold option, so your employees can enjoy unlimited cups of coffee, or refreshing glasses of water. Some also have an additional choice of ‘room temperature’. Still not quite right? An adjustable thermostat can even control how hot or cold you want your drink.

4. It’s hygienic

Although Mains Fed water coolers are connected to your building’s water supply, that doesn’t mean you’ll be drinking from the tap. Everyone knows that tap water contains various chemicals, so the Mains Fed system goes through a thorough ‘Doultron’ filtration process. The high quality stainless steel tank and UV option also ensure cleanliness.

5. Your money will go further

Studies show that a Mains Fed cooler will save you up to 70% in water bills! Your money will also go towards a good cause, as £20 is donated to The Africa Trust for every Mains Fed Water cooler installation. The Africa Trust concentrates on job creation in the developing world.