How to keep the H2O in Hydration during Winter

How to keep the H2O in Hydration during Winter

We often, somewhat mistakenly, assume that keeping hydrated during winter is less important than in summer.  As it turns out, the opposite is true.

In winter, in an effort to keep warm, we rely on using heaters, hairdryers and hats which quite literally suck the moisture and oils right out of our bodies, skin and hair. When we’re outside, low humidity and gusty winds don’t help much either.

The good news though is that there are a number of easy hydration options available to keep you smooth skinned, glossy haired and properly hydrated internally too:

Wear layers

Trapping small pockets of air between layers is better than wearing one big chunky coat. A wool or fleece layer is a good idea, as it will be soft and lightweight, and warm air is more easily trapped in the fibres. Fabrics with a piled, terry or textured finish will also be effective at trapping air.

Exercise and keep hydrated!

The urge to hibernate when it is cold is understandable, without the sunshine outside enabling us to soak up Vitamin D; hibernation is a completely natural reaction.  That’s why it’s especially important to keep active wherever you can, whether that involves brisk walks (weather permitting) and other alternate forms of exercise:  yoga is a good example – it doesn’t have to be a gym.

Because you also need to keep drinking water when the temperatures dip, try to develop a routine at work where you sip throughout the day. One option whether at home or at work, is to use a smaller glass or water bottle. It may mean more trips to the water cooler, but if you’re walking more, that’s being active and when it’s colder, every step counts.

Body scrubs and oils

Frigid temperatures and dry indoor heat cause water to evaporate from your skin because there’s more moisture in it than in the air. Bundling up doesn’t help matters – all those layers keep skin from breathing. Fight back with a one-two punch of body scrub and moisturising lotion or oil. Once a week, exfoliate with a body scrub to help slough off dead cells that make skin look dull. You’ll also find that giving your skin a brisk scrub will warm you right up too. When skin is freshly exfoliated, lotion and oil are better absorbed. To maintain hydration, smooth on the lotion daily after a shower.*

‘Eat’ your water

Fruit and veggies are packed with water, that high water content adds volume and keeps you satisfied without the calories. Soups are also a great way to sneak in some extra water. At AquAid we offer a range of hot and cold water coolers and water boilers which allow you to make your favourite hot water drink while at work or at home.

Maintain a good drinking water habit

Drinking enough water, as boring as it sounds, is still the simplest route to maintaining good ‘external’ physical health. We need to be well hydrated in order to maintain supple skin and unfrizzed hair.

Being fussy can help

A lot of us just don’t like drinking water, period.  Try adopting a different approach.  Try drinking your water at room temperature.  If you’re into branded gear (this isn’t just a children’s domain), then use your favourite cartoon character branded water bottle to drink from if it makes your happy. Figure out what appeals to you. And since your ability to recognise your thirst worsens as you age, today, early this New Year is a good a time as any to start to begin a ‘maintaining good hydration’ habit.

*updated from an 8 Jan 2015 blog

AquAid Water Boilers – productivity preparation at its best

AquAid Water Boilers – productivity preparation at its best

Being spontaneous is all fair and well enough in certain aspects of our lives: switching up where you take your holiday or buying a luminous yellow cover for your iPhone or Android where you usually stick with a discreet grey for example.

When it comes to your pocket, health and well-being though, preparation and planning ahead is usually the wiser choice.  ‘Be prepared’ after all is the call sign of the Scouts and Guides and who doesn’t appreciate a person who’s prepared for any eventuality!

It’s the same when it comes to your cooler weather drinking water habits. In this regards, though, you needn’t worry: AquAid have you coolered.

But are there real benefits to installing an AquAid Water Boiler? As it turns out, there are plenty, but for the purposes of this article, we’re highlighting just a few:

A water boiler is extremely cost effective, both from an operational and time-saving perspective.  Many hours of productivity are lost waiting for the kettle to boil.

The water is kept at the optimum temperature, safe enough that it won’t scald, but hot enough to brew up your preferred hot drink.

Each machine in the range is designed so that you get the most out of your water boiler – from the smaller AquAid Eco Compact Water Boiler through to the larger AquAid Eco Wall Fit LargeFlow Water Boiler.

With the cooler weather now upon us and the temperatures dropping as we head towards the end of the year, it makes good sense to install the right-fit water boiler in your premises as soon as possible – wherever your location or whatever your workspace.

Speak to us at AquAid today.

Cables under Water

Cables under Water

Recently in my neck of the woods we had a huge brou-hau-hau with a well-known ISP (internet service provider). It was a bun fight of note. I don’t know about where you are, but where I am, service providers have a rather unpleasant habit of blaming other service providers. A common excuse is, ‘Oh, the underground cable is broken’ or, ‘the undersea cable was used in a tug-of-war competition between a griffon and Godzilla’ – okay, slight exaggeration there, but honestly, it may as well be as farfetched as that. Or is it?

I stepped away from my usual station at the water cooler – actually let me caveat that with – stepped away from the water boiler (it is bleeding cold you know) and followed the undersea cable. Not literally!

What I think a lot of us don’t realise is that apart from all that we see – telephone poles suspending bundles of cables; the cables installed in our homes connecting to our devices – there’s actually a whole lot unseen going on out there that allows for us to operate in a ‘wireless’ world. But what we see is just a small part of the physical makeup of the net. The rest of it can be found in the coldest depths of the ocean. Here are just a few things you might not know about the Internet’s system of undersea cables.

  1. Cable installation is slow, tedious, expensive work

*Ninety-nine percent of international data is transmitted by wires at the bottom of the ocean called submarine communications cables. In total, they are hundreds of thousands of miles long and can be as deep as Everest Is tall. The cables are installed by special boats called cable-layers. It’s more than a matter of dropping wires with anvils attached to them – the cables must generally be run across flat surfaces of the ocean floor, and care is taken to avoid coral reefs, sunken ships, fish beds, and other ecological habitats and general obstructions. The diameter of a shallow water cable is about the same as a soda can, while deep water cables are much thinner – about the size of a Magic Marker. The size difference is related to simple vulnerability – there’s not much going on 8,000 feet below sea level; consequently, there’s less need for galvanized shielding wire. Cables located at shallow depths are buried beneath the ocean floor using high pressure water jets. Though per-mile prices for installation change depending on total length and destination, running a cable across the ocean invariably costs hundreds of millions of Pounds.

  1. Sharks are trying to eat the Internet.

There’s disagreement as to why, exactly, sharks like gnawing on submarine communications cables. Maybe it has something to do with electromagnetic fields. Maybe they’re just curious. Maybe they’re trying to disrupt our communications infrastructure before mounting a land-based assault. (My theory.) The point remains that sharks are chewing on the Internet, and sometimes damage it. In response, companies such as Google are shielding their cables in shark-proof wire wrappers.

  1. The Internet is as vulnerable underwater as it is underground.

It seems like every couple of years, some well-meaning construction worker puts his bulldozer in gear and kills Netflix for the whole continent. While the ocean is free of construction equipment that might otherwise combine to form Devastator, there are many ongoing aquatic threats to the submarine cables. Sharks aside, the Internet is ever at risk of being disrupted by boat anchors, trawling by fishing vessels, and natural disasters.

After reading all of this, colour me more eddicated and pretty impressed. And perhaps a little more patient when I hear that my lack of connectivity is due to an undersea cable breakage Them there sharks have to eat too you know.

*Extracts from an article at Mental Floss

Winter Snow and Hot Water

Winter Snow and Hot Water

We Britons are big on weather – it’s the go to topic of discussion irrespective of whether we’re chatting with colleagues around the water cooler or family or friends, and it’s the safety topic when you’re chatting to strangers or people you’ve just met.

Discussing the weather isn’t just exclusively a British thing though – it’s pretty much a global go to safe topic around the world. If you’re a southern hemisphere dweller, you’ll invariably be moaning about the heat at the same time that the northern hemispherers will be complaining about the icy winds, the piles of snow, but wherever you reside, there’ll be a whole lot of weather talk going on.

Thing is though, often the weather isn’t really topical, it’s actually quite dull “Here, mate, seen the weather – 1 degree difference between yesterday and today – isn’t that something?” Well, actually, no  … it isn’t.

But, whatever our opinion about the topic of weather, there’s no denying it has a huge impact on our behavioural patterns; moods; what we eat; our travel patterns; clothing and what we drink.

F’r instance, in the summer months, we’re constantly on the lookout for the perfectly chilled water (perfectly understandable), but come the winter months, like now, with all the snow and brrr, there’s nothing better than a cuppa to stave off the chill, so you’re more likely to be on the lookout for a water boiler that can provide you with a constant hot water supply throughout the day.

Either way, even if you’re freezing your tootsies off trudging through the snow and all you can think about is a piping hot drink when you get inside, it’s worth keeping in mind that you’re just as likely to become dehydrated in winter as you are in summer, so by all means, drink those hot drinks, but balance out each hot drink with a drink of cold water and keep yourself fighting fit and healthy come rain, snow or shine.

Water Cooler, Water Boiler … Cuppa Tea

Water Cooler, Water Boiler … Cuppa Tea

There’s been some rather soggy weather in England this week – bit rude I’d say – it’s only October.

While you’re keeping warm indoors and contemplating life, the weather in general and how soaked you’ll get outdoors if you make a dash for it, here are a few thoughts that may make you beam with British pride; warm you up and intrigue your grey matter.

It was recently the 385th anniversary of tea in the UK.

They say that a cuppa cures all ills and they’re not far wrong – whether you’re using your hot water boiler or combination AquAid chiller/boiler in the office, or school or at home – or boiling water with the kettle at home – there’s very little that can’t be cured by the brew.

But a few years away from our four hundredth year of drinking tea, our knowledge may not be as encyclopaedic as we’d like to think it is! In celebration of this anniversary, a few facts and myth busters that may amuse or interest you:

How many cups a day?

More than 165,000,000 cups are being drunk in the UK every single day of the year.

Brits didn’t invent the tea bag

The tea bag was invented by a nation that is more associated with coffee – America.

Although there are some records of loose-leaf bags being used in ancient China, the first labour-saving teabag was created by US tea merchant Thomas Sullivan.

Tea breaks were invented by modern office workers

Tea breaks are actually a tradition which has been around for about two hundred years. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea were served. Some employers repeated the break in the afternoon as well, according to The UK Tea and Infusions Association.

Between 1741 and 1820 industrialists, landowners and clerics tried to put a stop to the tea break maintaining that tea drinking and rest made working people slothful. Modern thinking couldn’t be further away from this – regular tea breaks can play a vital part in the day to help maintain a positive attitude towards work and a very necessary fluid intake.

And the best news of all;

Tea doesn’t go off

Take note though, if you leave your tea for a time, those little leaves won’t be as fresh after six months. The flavour may not suffer, but the brew will lose its antioxidants. The best way to preserve the efficacy of the antioxidants is by storing your tea in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.

If this weather keeps up, proper tea storage certainly won’t be hard.

If you’d like know more about AquAid water, water cooler and water boiler products, specials and our life saving charity partnerships, please *  e-mail or us on 0800 772 3003. We’d be delighted to assist you.