Hot Water Dispenser, Water Boiler, Instant Taps … Cuppa Tea

Hot Water Dispenser, Water Boiler, Instant Taps … Cuppa Tea

It is astonishing to consider that wars have been fought over this hot drink.  That shipping vessels were redesigned to ensure faster transportation from country of harvest to the British consumer.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, we are referring to tea. Yes, these leaves, which produce the most aromatic, soothing, anti-oxidant rich brew, have held sway over billions of global consumers for centuries.

They say that a cuppa cures all ills and they’re not far wrong – whether you’re using your hot water boiler, combination AquAid chiller/boiler or Instant Taps at home, home office, office or any other workspace, there’s very little that can’t be cured by the brew.

But what is it about tea that makes it such a popular drink? Could it be because the ‘modern’ day office worker invented tea breaks?

According to The UK Tea and Infusions Association, tea breaks are a tradition beginning over two hundred years ago. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea were served. Some employers repeated the break in the afternoon.

Between 1741 and 1820 industrialists, landowners and clerics tried to put a stop to the tea break maintaining that tea drinking and rest made working people slothful. Modern thinking could not be further away from this – regular tea breaks play a vital part towards creating a productive workplace – helping us maintain a positive attitude while simultaneously ensuring adequate levels of hydration.

The health benefits (which we many not even be aware of) could also be a factor. Aside from the strong anti-oxidant properties, drinking both black and green teas are believed to help with weight loss, act as a sunscreen and even reduce the risk of blood clot formation and atherosclerosis.  It’s worth noting that this applies to drinking your tea without milk or sugar.

The other positive is tea doesn’t go off. Take note though, if you leave your tea for a time, those little leaves will not be as fresh after six months. The flavour may not suffer, but the brew will lose its antioxidants – refer to tea’s health benefits above. The best way to preserve the efficacy of the antioxidants is by storing your tea in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.

If you’d like know more about AquAid water, water cooler and water boiler products to help you brew your tea or hot drink; our promotions and our life-saving charity partnerships, please *  e-mail or us on 0800 772 3003.

It will be our pleasure to assist you.

AquAid’s Hot & Chilled Water Dispensers, Water Boilers and Instant Taps – Giving You More

AquAid’s Hot & Chilled Water Dispensers, Water Boilers and Instant Taps – Giving You More

Recently on social media, we posted about how the demand for drinking water changes depending on the seasons.

With this top of mind, we thought to increase awareness about the wide range of water dispensers AquAid supply, thereby meeting all drinking water needs and requirements.

Aside from the recent introduction of our range of Touch-Free water dispensers that offer even more hygienic safety features, AquAid also offer a wide selection of high quality hot & chilled water dispensers, hot water boilers and Instant Taps.

Hot & Cold Water Dispensers like the AQ Max Desktop.  This elegant and compact workhorse is the ideal solution if you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a plumbed-in water dispenser.

Despite its compact size, this machine is well suited for installation in areas where there is a medium to high demand for chilled & hot drinking water.

AquAid’s range of Hot Water Boilers, such as the Eco LargeFlow, offers the perfect combination of reduced usage costs and energy efficiency whilst delivering a rapid draw of piping hot water and is suited to any medium to large home or office workspace.

A stylish, space saving constant supply of hot drinking water makes the AquAid Instant Tap ideal for installation in (staff) kitchens and breakout areas. With an elegant tap system, that dispenses boiling and ambient water at the touch of a button, with the water boiler unit discreetly installed underneath the worktop, this hot water tap provides a limitless supply of boiling water.

Visit our website to browse our selection.

The Unseen Advantages of the AquAid Hot Water Boiler

The Unseen Advantages of the AquAid Hot Water Boiler

The simplest route to keep warm when it’s cold is to drink hot water. Bold statement, can we back it up?

We can. Aside from all the usual solutions to keep ourselves warm – layered clothing, closed shoes, hats – drinking a hot drink (even if it’s gently heated water, say with a squeeze of lemon) can raise the body’s temperature almost immediately.

Drinking hot water provides other benefits too:

*Relieves nasal congestion. According to a 2008 study, drinking a hot drink, such as tea, provided quick, lasting relief from a runny nose, coughing, sore throat and tiredness. The hot drink was more effective than the same drink at room temperature.

*Helps reduce toxins. Drinking hot water temporarily raises your internal body temperature.  Your body’s endocrine system activates and you start to sweat. While sweating might be uncomfortable, it’s an essential part of getting rid of toxins and irritants we are exposed to in our environment. According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking water is important for flushing toxins out of your body. It can help fight inflammation, keep the joints well lubricated and prevent gout.

*Can assist with weight loss. As your body compensates for the warm temperature of the water, it brings your internal temperature down and activates your metabolism. A small 2003 study reported that switching from cold water to hot water could help people lose weight through this thermic effect.

How do all of these benefits tie in with AquAid Hot Water Boilers? Very well, as it turns out.

When at work, waiting for the kettle to boil can be a lengthy process. Constantly boiling the kettle also uses more electricity, so getting your hot drink can be costly and counter-productive.

When you install an AquAid hot water boiler, an unlimited supply of filtered, boiling drinking water is kept at the perfect hot drink temperature throughout the working day, whether in the office, workspace or school. Furthermore, AquAid’s range of hot water boilers provide for a draw of piping hot water of anything from 12 mugs from the Eco WallFit Water Boiler at one draw, up to a 40 mug draw from the Eco Large Fill Water Boiler.

Speak to us at AquAid today so you too can benefit from the unseen advantages of installing a hot water boiler.

*source: Healthline article, author: Kathy Watson

AquAid Water Dispensers – Hydration for All Seasons

AquAid Water Dispensers – Hydration for All Seasons

As we head into cooler climes, having a constant supply of refreshing drinking water, both hot and cold, becomes all the more important. However, waiting for the kettle to boil when we’re busy working not only interrupts work flow, it also reduces our ability to work efficiently and repeatedly boiling a kettle is time-consuming, costs money and wastes electricity.

Whether you require a hot drinking water supply for a small, medium or large staff contingent, you can rely on AquAid. We offer a stylish, high-quality range of hot and cold water dispensers and hot water boilers designed to ably meet your organisation’s drinking water capacity demands, all while saving you time, money and energy.

One example is the AquAid Eco Compact Water Boiler. Designed specifically to fit in-between the standard distance between worktops and kitchen units, this well-designed water boiler produces a rapid 5ℓ draw off – providing sufficient piping hot water to fill 20 mugs in in one draw.

If the demand requires an even larger hot water draw, then the AquAid Eco LargeFlow is the perfect option. With its 10ℓ rapid draw off and ability to produce 30ℓ piping hot water per hour, this UK designed and made water boiler is perfect for installation in any medium to large sized workspace with a larger staff contingent.

Each of the AquAid Eco range also features a built-in ECO mode that reduces electricity consumption, thereby saving money and helping the environment.

These Eco Boilers are but two of AquAid’s range of cost-saving, efficient, reduced electricity usage hot water dispensers. For more of the hot water range, browse our range or send us your enquiry online. Alternatively, please call us on 0800 772 3003 or e-mail:

Hydrate Health – Pinch Yourself!

Hydrate Health – Pinch Yourself!

You did read that right. One of the simplest ways to check how hydrated (or dehydrated for that matter) you are is to:

Pinch yourself. Your hydration level directly affects your skin’s ability to change shape and return to normal. Using your pointer finger and thumb, gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand and hold for a few seconds. If the skin takes a while to return to its normal position when you let go, you could be dehydrated. A gentle pinch, mind, the idea is not to hurt yourself.

Reverse the dehydration. Now that you’ve established that you are more dehydrated than you realised, counteraction is easy.

Drink water more. In the current circumstances, good health habits can easily fall by the wayside. Don’t allow this. Whether you work remotely, have returned to your office or formal workplace or are constantly on the go, make sure you always have access to drinking water and carry water with you.

Hydration boosts better function.  Increasing your water intake not only produces a healthier, plumped up skin but also your body and mind’s ability to function better overall.

Water refresh where?  That’s where AquAid come in. For over 22 years, we have been providing an extensive range of high quality water coolers to businesses, work sites and the educational sector across the UK. With more than 23 branches nationwide, we are well equipped to provide the best drinking water solution for your organisation, however large or small your staff contingent. Once installed, our range of water dispensers, from Bottle-Fed and Mains-Fed through to Hot Water Boilers and Instant Taps, each carry a donation to charity, providing safe water resources to millions of people in need in impoverished communities.

Contact us at AquAid today.

Simple Water Cooler Warm-Ups while the weather is dreary

Simple Water Cooler Warm-Ups while the weather is dreary

The first one is easy: Not only do AquAid supply a wide range of high quality water coolers, dispensing chilled or ambient drinking water, we also offer a range of hot and cold water dispensers, hot water boilers as well as our stylish, space saving Instant Taps.

What’s even more (heart)warming, is that for every Mains Fed/Plumbed-in water dispenser AquAid install, a portion of that sale is donated to charities that we support.  These donations are used to fund life-saving clean water delivery projects for communities in need.  A method guaranteed to warm you up as you sip your hot drink.

Bake something. We may not all qualify as contestants for events such as The Great British Bake Off, but that doesn’t matter – baking is a guaranteed method to warm your environment – also eating hot food raises your body temperature somewhat.

Wear a hat. Although it’s been disproved, we can’t negate the fact that covering your head while outside certainly feels warmer than leaving your extremities bare. In addition, some hats look great – you never know – you could start a trend.  Note: Fascinators don’t count.

Exercise. Sure-footed and steady wins the race! Or at least keeps you mobile while you negotiate ice and slush covered pavements. Although higher impact, cardio-vascular exercise is a great health benefit, it is sometimes better to take exercise that produces a slow burn – it may make for a longer lasting raised core temperature, which will keep you warm and toasty as you move between in and outdoors.